Friday, September 1, 2017

Weighing in... The physical weight

This should be simple right? We know to lose weight the output of energy has to be greater than the input, simple right? Well, if we all know this why isn't everyone thin and healthy? Why are all these diets not working? What about those diets that say you don't have to exercise you just have to drink a gallon of apple cider vinegar or eat your weight in cabbage?

My doctor kept telling me, "you have to be eating the wrong foods" "You've got to be eating too much", "You're not exercising enough or consistently". This made me frustrated because I was out there everyday walking 2 or 3 miles a day at least 5 days a week. I was eating off saucers and not nearly enough to sustain an adult body and I was either staying the same weight or gaining. What is happening?

I found the biggest problem with my weight wasn't the physical weight, it was the lack of knowledge to this healthy eating thing and no dietician takes into account the mental weight. YES, the mental weight. 

I decided that I was going to do my own research and know that no one is going to make my health as seriously as I will. My genetics said one thing, but I was not ready to be my mother or my aunts. *now I by no means am telling anyone to do anything or promoting anything that doesn't work for them. I became a vegan for physical and mental health reasons. I already didn't drink milk, eggs made me nauseous but how I loved cheese. I really thought bacon was gonna be a huge problem too but not so much. I decided if I could put a face on it then I won't eat it. CHICKEN was my Mount Everest. I overloaded my mind with facts, documentaries and case studies. I want you to know that you absolutely can be a fat vegan. I just kept tweaking and finding out what was I eating that was keeping me from losing. I found what worked, it was slow but it was happening and I started to look at it more as an investment than a loss. I got excited and wanted to do more, but there was still something wrong. It was my mindset, I was mentally weighed down and stuck in the negativity that I absorbed from what people would say. I knew that I would be a hamster on a wheel if I didn't work from the inside out.

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